Friday 15 July 2011

The fact of classification  is well  known to human society since the origin of private property with which came the division of labour. With the giving up nomadic life and adopting of agriculturer and pastoral life there came up permanent settlements and threre was the need of someone to look after the household work and rearing and caring of childrens for which women suited best for they possessed the qualities of giving care and love and men were thought best to provide protection to the family and became the  sole  bread winner of the family, but slowly with the emergence of society this has led to a rigid stereotyping of women and men ,women have emerged as  the weaker sex while the qualities of courage and rationality are being linked exclusively with men. In todays world giving respect to women is called as gentlemanly attitude or male chauvinism.
          Why is it today that we have suddenlly started  talking  of women empomwerment and need for gender justice, if things were going  wrong from the very beggining then why has the consiousnees emerged so late ,the reason might be that the intellectual thinkers who basically mould the thinking of the society were engrossed with other socially relevant causes, there have been very rare thinkers who ardently stoodup for the cause of women. It's been very late that the so called weaker sex has thrown up thinkers and intellectuals of preeminence who have taken up the cause of women upliftment and have taken the initiative to popularise the consiousness against gender inequality.